Communicating with elders is a daily challenge whether it is advocating or having a conversation. Locating documents, making appointments, and reminiscing -- across the spectrum -- takes patience and provides opportunity for clarity and bonding. Just yesterday, when apologizing for pointing a finger as my mother, 95, has done all through life, my colleague said, "Don't apologize, that was not a mean finger."

Communicating with an elder long distance can present challenges of time, lapse of daily contact, hunger to be part of someone's life or unsettled anger. Some families have the means and support to present in their parents' lives. Others might have financial challenges, distance by miles, business or extended family that requires balanced time. I write to my mother, 97, faithfully in 20 point font. "Your letters are beautiful and so easy to read", she comments. A letter can be read ad infinitum and shared with visitors that provides opportunity for reminiscence. If you have not been able to be physically present, how have you contributed your virtual presence?
Great! Very timely topic as I am in the sandwich generation watching my friends--as I am childless--going through tremendous difficulties communicating "down" and "up."
Communication in itself at all levels can be chanllenging let alone communicating with an elderly. One has to have alot of patience, love and understanding while carrying on communication with this age group of people. Some elderly people have experienced changes in speaking abilities, and their voices have become weaker. It is therefore imperative that we exercise patience while listening to them and be aware of when the elderly person becomes tired and wants the visit to end.
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